Sunday, February 13, 2011

So I am sitting here on the verge of something BIG!  24 hours from now, I will be a homeowner.  I am excited and nervous all at the same time.  I know that people buy homes everyday.  No big deal huh.  But I feel like I am accomplishing the goals that I set for myself.  In 2009, I decided to start investing in myself.  Hey, if I don't, then who will?  I carried that over into 2010 by investing in my own happiness.  I let go of unnecessary drama and people.  I forgave a number of people for things they didn't care enough to ask forgiveness for.  I took control of my happiness.  I decided that 2011 would be the year that I upgrade my place in the world.  I want to invest financially.  First and foremost for me is buying a house.  Thankfully I am in a positon to be able to buy, even with the stricter financing rules.  I read something a few months ago about how women like myself tend to invest large amounts/percentages of our money in items that have no long term value--like shoes and purses.  I felt like it painted ME in a bad light despite the fact that the author know nothing about me and I don't live the lifestyle that was discussed.  I REFUSE to be that statistic.  But anyway...that is NOT what this is about, just a little background on my motivation.  I will use this blog to document my journey towards making my new house into my new home.  I am so excited!  I will be posting lots of before and after photos.  On top of that, I have been watching HGTV for years and in my mind, I am a DIY expert.  I guess we will see how all that works out in the real world.  I'll even be brave enough to share my mishaps.  I CAN'T WAIT!